
The Notre Dame community is profoundly heartbroken by the recent events that have taken place in both our city and country. As Catholics and as a sponsored ministry of the School Sisters of Notre Dame, we believe in and stand for the preservation and sanctity of life and in upholding the dignity of all people. As educators, we strive to help our students and staff to be informed about and understand issues surrounding racism, social justice and mercy. This alignment of faith and education is aimed to not only inform but to ignite compassion so that as individuals we can choose actions seeded in faith that promote healing and empathy.

Notre Dame High School denounces all forms of racial intolerance and brutality. With humility and kindness, we stand in solidarity with those courageous individuals in the fight for change who strive to eliminate systemic racism and other forms of injustice that creates inequity among us. We recognize and stand united with those individuals dedicated to honorably protecting and serving our community through this difficult time...

Continue reading our full statement HERE.