Current Families
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Student Support
Join us on Sunday, October 13th for Notre Dame High School's 71st Annual Fall Festival!
Tickets are $25 each; Buy 4, get 1 FREE; Buy 8, get 3 FREE; Buy 20, get 10 FREE
The Grand Prize is $5,000; 2nd Prize is $500; 5 prizes of $100 each
Raffle Ticket sales will end at 4:00 PM on Sunday, October 13th! Thank you for your support of NDHS.
Would you or your business like to sponsor our upcoming event?
Your support helps make the Notre Dame High School Fall Festival a success!
Day of Schedule
11:00 AM
Senior vs Junior Powder Puff game
Sophomore vs Freshman Tug of War during halftime
Ticket booth opens
Rebel Refreshments opens
12:00 PM
Food and Drinks Available
Live Music Begins
Alumnae Booth
Carnival Games
Spirit Shop
Pull tabs
Rock Climbing Wall
Bounce House
Trampoline Bungee
Petting Zoo
2:00 PM
Cheerleader performance on stage
4:00 pm
Gym closes
Cheerleader performance outside
5:00 PM
Booths in Kitchen Square close
Raffle ticket winner announced
We need your support to make this event a success! Sign up to volunteer today!