Current Families
Student Life
Student Support
Join us for the Alumnae Events of 2024-2025!
We would love to see you back on campus — mark your calendars!
Senior Class of 2025
Sunday, October 13, 2024 - Fall Festival
Be sure to mark your calendars, and bring the family, for the highly anticipated annual event! This special occasion is a time-honored tradition where the student body comes together to sell raffle tickets and accumulate points for their respective classes. It's an exciting opportunity for students to showcase their teamwork, creativity, and school spirit while contributing to a great cause. Don't miss out on the chance to participate in this fun and impactful event!
2023 Young Alum Panel
Friday, January 10, 2025 - Young Alumnae Panel
We're excited to invite our younger Alumnae to return to Notre Dame High School and share their college experiences with our current students.
Panel invited by invitation only.
Saturday, February 22, 2025 - Blue & White Night
Join us as we celebrate everything Blue and White at our annual Gala. This year, we will be celebrating at the beautiful River City Casino Ballroom.
More information and a link to the event are coming soon!
Tuesday, March 4, 2025 - Career Day
Looking Full STREAM Ahead! We are cultivating leaders in Science, Technology, Religion, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics. We invite professionals in these fields to join us for a captivating panel of knowledge-sharing to showcase your expertise.
Sign up to be a presenter!
Saturday, March 8, 2025 - Reunion Night
Join us for Reunion Night to remember, as we celebrate classes that graduated 0's and 5's.
More information and a link to the event are coming soon!
Saturday, April 12, 2025 - Glow BINGO (adult event)
B-I-N-G-O that GLOWS!
More information and a link to the event are coming soon!
Tuesday - Thursday, May 6-8, 2025 - Girls School Unite!
A three-day competition between all-girls high schools in the St. Louis area that raises awareness and funds for all-girls Catholic education. The competition's goal is to increase alumnae giving and encourage them to support the important work of providing an all-girls education.
Donation Link Coming Soon!
Questions? Contact Jackie Karalunas '95, Director of Donor and Alumnae Relations at (314) 544-1015 x1019